Ann (1939)

Family Trees: Duffield - Part 9
Daughter of: Edward Bostock (1908) and Alice Marion Eva (1906) EB
Born: in 1939 in Teddington, Middx EB

Married: Anthony John Hillier, business consultant, on 29/7/1961 at St. Mary's, Twickenham, Middx EB
Children: Karen Lynda (1964) , Sallie Ann (1966) , Deborah Jane (1968) EB

Educated at the Downs School, Seaford, Sussex, and at St Hilda's College Oxford. BA 1961 (History).

Teacher at various schools, including for handicapped children 1961 - 1998.

Lived in Kennington, Oxford up to 2002, after which she moved to Didsbury, Manchester.

With her 3 brothers in 1952.

Punting, from the Oxford end, of course.

With Tony, 1960.

With young family.

At Sallie's wedding to Simon Gill.

Family group, 1998.

At the Bostock/Bostwick Reunion in Northwich, Cheshire, 2004.

Hugh, Roland, Ann and David at Hugo's wedding, September 2012.
