The Autobiography of Mark Bostock (1890 - 1970)

This autobiography is essentially the work of Mark Bostock. I am unable to say when he prepared the earlier parts of it, but the memories are vivid, particularly where food is concerned, which suggests he must have kept a diary from early times. In his later years the excerpts are more directly from his diaries.

The diary was collected together and edited by his older son Clinton Willard. Clinton's sister Grace did all the typing, as was necessary, from the original hand-written sheets. It was sent me, as email attachments, by his younger son George Mark, who took the trouble to scan each page and send them to me.

There is no doubt that Mark had a tough upbringing in a boarding school in West London for homeless children, which comes across clearly in his story. He then tells of his emigration as a boy worker to Canada, and how his life progressed from there.

The book may be called up page by page by selecting the page numbers. What follows is an index, following the edited page titles done by Clinton. The main pictures are indexed after.

Cover, Editor's Notes and Introductory Pictures
West London District School 1897 - 1904
Ocean Voyage to Canada, and Sutton, Quebec 1904 - 1907
Return trip to England, 1910
Springfield, Massachusetts, 1913
Gilbert & Barker Manufacturing Co, 1914 - 1915
The H. Wales Company of Meridan, Conn, 1915
Gilbert & Barker Manufacturing Co, 1916
The Sons of Saint George, 1915
Lake Lorraine, 1917
New York State Holiday, 1917
Influenza Epidemic 1918 - 1919
Return to England (Fen district), 1920
Courting, 1921
Wedding, 1921
The Return to America, 1921
Grace Rose is born, 1922
A parallel
Thanksgiving, 1930
Leonard Street, Agawam, Mass, 1929
West Springfield Stamp Club
The Fairbanks Mansion, West Springfield, Mass, 1936 - 1946
The Hurricane, 1938
Editor's Notes
Rose Goodchild Bostock obituary, 1948
Mark and Violet trip to England, 1954
Diary, 1959
Diary, 1960
Diary, 1961
Diary, 1962
Diary, 1963, including a trip to Nassau, Bahamas, and a Texan holiday
Xmas Diary, 1965
Diary, 1966
Diary, 1959
Record of Cars
Random Shots
Holiday to Florida, 1969, and son George
Diary, 1969
Letters, 1969 - 1970
First Stroke, 1970
Last Stroke, and Funeral, 1970
Last pictures and Tributes

The book contains a number of pictures. These are the main ones:
Mark's parents
Mark's brother Ted
Mark on his motorbikes
Mark working for the National Guard, 1918
Mark's Wedding
Mark's wife Rose
Xmas 1965 with Barbara and Clinton
Annabelle and others
Mark's son George
Mark as a boy
Mark in later years