George Bostock - Citation Text

What follows is a number of citations from US Navy servicemen in support of George's post retirement promotion to the rank of Honorary Chief Photographer's Mate. It provides illustration of George's career in the US Navy as a photographer, and the esteem held for him by those who worked with him. The promotion was duly awarded in 1997.

PHC Howard Cupp

"I can think of no one more deserving of this award than George Bostock. He is one of the most professional, talented, dedicated and helpful individuals I served with. When on active duty he strived for -- and achieved excellence daily. His standards were of the highest quality, and he instilled this dedication to quality in his co-working shipmates.

Throughout his Naval career he was given important assignments. In the routine performance of his duties he continually demonstrated qualities of leadership and technical competence normally associated with those of a Chief Petty Officer. His outstanding supervisory ability and ability to work with people were evident in everything from his work scheduling to his detailed and thorough on-the-job training programs.

Bostock had many duty stations. His first after Photo 'A' School was at Fleet Air Electronic Training Unit Pacific at North Island, CA. During this tour he spent many hours flying in the R4D aircraft with F-56 cameras. When not airborne he worked at the Fleet Air Photo Lab on the job order desk, shooting portraits and working in the black and white darkroom. Later at Marimar, CA, (VFP-63), he was assigned to Aerial Machine Processing and ran the Chem-Mix room for PHCS Cal Larsen.

At sea with Commander Cruiser Destroyer Pacific, Bostock found himself bouncing from the USS Piedmont AD-17, USS Dixie AD-14, USS Prairie AD-15 and as staff photographer, he had Temporary Additional Duty (TAD) to ride 56 Pacific Fleet Destoryers while on photographic assignments.

As a Second Class Photographer at the Naval Schools of Photography at Pensacola, Florida, Bostock was assigned as support to the Photo School. He constructed one of the first color darkrooms at the school and took on the responsibility of processing color film and making color prints.

"A rush color printing assignment came in. Bostock's devotion to duty was typically exemplified when he personally processed dozens of color prints in an unventilated darkroom. Though working in health hazardous surroundings (caused by defective exhaust and air conditioning systems), Bostock felt compelled to disregard strong chemical fumes simply to ensure no interruption in the availability of photographic services. Consequently, full photographic production was maintained."

LCDR M. K. McClure, Commanding Officer, Atlantic Fleet Combat Camera Group

Sea duty - Bostock found himself back aboard the Piedmont, Dixie, Prairie and those Pacific Destoryers. With three-months remaining before transferring ashore for the second time, he received orders to report immediately to USS St. Paul CA-73. She was getting underway for the Tonkin Gulf.

Bostock was awarded the Cross of Gallantry for combat action during bombardment of the Vietnam coastline. St. Paul's big guns kept firing for almost a week and she had to continually manoeuvre through salvos of returned fire. Photographs of St. Paul and crew under enemy fire can be found in the files at the Naval Photographic Center and National Archives.

Bostock attended Instructor School at Memphis, TN, and reported to Pensacola, this time as a Photographic Instructor.

PHC Bruce Bennett, knowing of Bostock's strong work ethics and leadership skills wanted him to assist he and PHC Art Giberson at the Photojournalism Unit. Bostock was assigned as Class Division Petty Officer.

The Photojournalism Unit was short of space and had to use the second deck porch as a classroom. Bostock obtained permission of his Chief's and Commanding Officer to cut the porch in half, build a double screen projection booth, thus converting the porch into two classrooms. He constructed another classroom near the Quarterdeck on the first deck.

1972 -- Bostock was transferred to Atlantic Fleet Combat Camera Group, Norfolk, VA. He worked in several positions before becoming supervisor of the issue-storeroom, Materials Department.

In the storeroom, he supervised accountability and control over two million dollars worth of technical photographic equipment and supplies, plus four subordinates.

"Petty Officer Bostock has shown tremendous drive, zeal and initiative carrying out his assigned task. Petty Officer Bostock has maintained a close liaison with each division providing materials and photographic support. Bostock has been responsible for the effective management of the storeroom."

'Sailor of the Quarter'. "Petty Officer Bostock, the efficiency and dedication with which you carry out your assignment of the issue-storeroom, Materials Department has greatly enhanced the readiness and success of this command. When you assumed the storeroom duties less than six months ago, you dedicated yourself to long hours and hard work to become proficient and effective in these new responsibilities. You did not wait to be told what needed to be done, but rather you saw what was required and set about it. You are commended, with your 'can do' attitude and espirit de corp, you made it easy for CCGLant to live up to its motto: Anytime - Anywhere."

LCDR Steve Riley, Commanding Officer, Atlantic Fleet Audio Visual Command

On a six month deployment to CCG Naples detachment with LCDR Steve Riley, Bostock served as the units personnel officer taking care of members personnel records, writing TAD orders and handling all supply and equipment.

1975 - Bostock relieved me as supervisor of the Sixth Naval District Headquarters photo lab at Charleston, S.C.. This lab provided the primary photographic support for headquarters photography request, all reserve units on active duty for training in the Charleston area, in addition to the Southern Division Naval Facilities Engineering Command, Marine Barracks, Naval Hospital, and the Naval Investigative Service.

Bostock provided invaluable assistance to his commanding officer in preparation of a study recommending a consolidation of photographic resources at Charleston. His expertise facilitated the evaluation of facilities, equipment, and site proposal for a centralized photographic laboratory.

Eighteen months later, he had the satisfaction of moving into the new Atlantic Fleet Audio Visual Command, Charleston Naval Photographic Facility.

"In each of his assignments, Petty Officer Bostock was an extremely experienced and proficient member of the Navy's photographic team. His confidence and attitude concerning all task was reflected by the quality and timely completion of them. He was always available and completely willing to dedicate any necessary extra involvement toward task completion."

Captain John T. Pierce, Naval Shipyard Charleston

"It has been my pleasure to have been associated with Mr. George Bostock during his tour of duty here in Charleston, S.C.. During this association, I had many occasions to require his services for photography, often upon extremely short notice and with the necessity of providing a finished product as soon as possible. His skillful responses to these needs were rapid and professional, frequently exceeding my expectations. His pleasant demeanor and helpful attitude contributed greatly to an excellent working relationship."

Bill Reed, Assistant, Public Affairs Officer, Sixth Naval District, Charleston

"In addition to his technical skills, Mr. Bostock has proven himself a highly competent administrator, dispatching the daily routine of running a photographic lab with the same care and detail he demands of his photographic talent."

Mark E. Emerson, Special Agent, Naval Investigative Service, Charleston

"In the darkroom and behind the camera, Mr. Bostock has been an important asset to the U.S. Naval Investigative Service. This office has placed with him the most classified and critical photographic responsibilities presented to our agency."

PHC(AC) Milt Putnam, USN, Ret.

Bostock retired from active Naval Service on 24 June, 1977. He served twenty-two years, three months and four days.

Petty Officer Bostock is an outstanding individual, unexcelled as a technician. During his military career he was an instrumental factor in setting the highest standards. He is one of those rare individuals that demands and receives nothing but the best professional effort from himself and those who worked with him.

His unique ability to relate to young upcoming photographers and pass along his vast knowledge, wealth of experience and photographic 'know how' has proven invaluable. As a result of this proficiency, many Navy photographers for years proudly said, 'George Bostock' showed me how. (Some of those photographers may still be on active duty wearing the Chief or Officer uniform.)

Bostock's professional performance and military leadership qualities were constantly evident in his daily contacts with both the military and civilian communities, as was his confident direction and supervision of subordinates. His keen interest in and thorough knowledge of the Navy's photographic mission as well as his professional capabilities and personal welfare of his associates are additional traits deserving selection as an Honorary Chief Photographer's Mate.

As manager of the largest camera store in Orangeburg, South Carolina, Bostock displayed Navy photographs, changing to new images every few months. These pictures of Navy men and women doing their job around the world created great interest in the community and helped to encourage several young men to visit the local Navy Recruiting Office.

Bostock had a major stroke in 1995 and is primarily confined to his home at Bowman, South Carolina, but he still strives to advance the US Navy with the way he signs off his correspondence. He says, " I was a sailor once, I was part of the Navy and the Navy will always be a part of me."

I unhesitantly recommend PH1(AC) George Bostock, USN, Ret. for selection as an Honorary Chief Photographer's Mate.

Further endorsements

A further 20 US Navy personnel, listed below, provided endorsement letters:

CDR George Husted, USN, Ret.
LCDR Calvin L. Larsen, USN, Ret.
LCDR Ed Bonjorni, USN, Ret.
LCDR Ed Jolly, USN, Ret.
LCDR Steve Riley, USN, Ret.
LCDR Paul Dickson, USN, Ret.
Lt Michael E. Fox, USN, Ret.
CWO3 John Cultrera, USN, Ret.
PHCM John A. DeFiore, USN, Ret.
PHCM Ed Belcher, USN, Ret.
PHCS Arnold A. Clemons, USN, Ret.
PHCS O.V. Williams, USN, Ret.
PHCS Ted Bowne, USN, Ret.
PHC Art Giberson, USN, Ret.
PHC Bob Miller, USN, Ret.
PHC Mitchell W. Melton, USN, Ret.
PHC Vernon Wilbanks, USN, Ret.
PHC Robert D. McClure, USN, Ret.
PHC (AC) Antonio Diz, USN, Ret.
PHC Bob Veeder, USN, Ret.